HD Free Movie Greed
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Release year - 2019
Synopsis - Satire about the world of the super-rich
rating - 257 Votes
Directed by - Michael Winterbottom
Genre - Comedy
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So says the monk living on a 5 star golf course 🤐🤐. Greenpeace. Reality star. Reality personality is proper. What makes them a STAR. So much emotions in my head right now. Thanks Jade and Josh. I'd be happy to comfort Simonee Baloney or whatever her name is. Greed for glory. If you dont want anything You wont be disappointed. Greed berner. Greed meaning. Greedy definition. Greed and fear index. Greedy search. You researched this very well, great video. CONTEXT: Here's my DEIN KAMPF troll post that got me banned by r/unpopularopinion. ( HEAVY SIGH) THE FAKE SINOPHOBIA GOT TO THEM. If you have no morality, and YOURE ACTUALLY A PIECE OF SHIT, DONT USE MY COMPOSITION. If you're an actual Sinophobe, FUCK OFF, the post was meant to garner compassion and discussion, not fuel your copy pasta RAGE. MY STRUGGLE With Racism, Sexism, and Fear Mongering Towards China & Chinese Culture Because every Chinese woman I have ever encountered is a liar who doesn't know what birth control is. Please educate yourself on reproductive health. Self-Reflection? Contemplation? Introspection? Self-Realization? What's that like? Being proactive about yourself and your place in this 's that like? Many are chronically helpless and never have the desire to be financially independent. They come to the United states for Birth Tourism, give birth here and their baby is automatically a US Citizen. Chinese women who then take advantage of the system and milk every Social Security benefit there is, without any loyalty to the country and without contributing to the US' GDP. Once their children are grown, they go back to China and instead of using that American education to help America, their loyalties lie elsewhere... To them, tricking someone for child support and decades worth of alimony is the highest and greatest accomplishment of their lifetime. They don't better themselves and they rely on someone else to sustain them, like a PARASITE (great movie). Having Life Skills and Substance. What's that like? Ever tried being truthful for once? It's like an entire race of girls never heard of the word ACCOUNTABILITY before. Getting an education or even having a hobby you're passionate 's that like? Just read my long rants and posts about individuals and personal, anecdotal stories and you'll get a sense of my frustration. Stop hitting your children until they pass out, IT'S NOT A "CHINESE THING", IT'S CHILD ABUSE. I am so tired of having to pull teeth when having conversations with a Chinese woman. Like, is it really that empty in that brain of yours or are you just not capable of coherent thoughts? Mindfulness and 's that like? It's like NO CHINESE WOMAN CARES ABOUT THEIR SHOPPING HABITS, and when you do call them out on their bullshit, you're the bad guy colonizer or imperialist. Ya'll have the largest production of FAST FASHION and counterfeit products. Are you happy with that Chinese Birkins bag? What environmental impact has that bag caused? How many slave labour and child labour did that require? How many conflict and blood materials did you have to use to make that CHINSY BAG? Are you proud of the factory where that bag came from? ARE YOU PROUD THAT IT'S MADE IN CHINA? It's expensive, it's CHINESE, and it's SHAMEFUL. Conservation and a Sustainable lifestyle? WHAT' I could be wrong but hey, WILDLIFE MEAT CAUSED THE CORONAVIRUS. At least try and live sustainably for the environment and for future posterity. For a 4'9" chinese woman, at least try and not be 200 pounds, hysterical and erratic. (I'm looking at your profile and you've already failed at being a human being 👀). Everyday is NOT A CHINESE BUFFET SO EXCERCISE SELF-CONTROL AND ACTUALLY THINK ABOUT THE DISTRIBUTION OF FINITE RESOURCES IN THE GODDAMN WORLD. I have never met a chinese woman who wasn't CRAZY AND UNPLEASANT TO BE AROUND. Taking advice and life skills that could improve your life? Goodluck finding a chinese woman who would actually take the time to listen to anyone before they start going off on you. WHY THE FCK ARE YOU GUYS SO ARGUMENTATIVE? IS THERE A DAY WHEN YOURE NOT PISSED ABOUT SOMETHING? It's like an entire race of girls are all UPSET all the fcking time and they don't even look at themselves in the mirror or contemplate about why they're UPSET in the first place.. Seriously, WHY ARE YOU SO ANGRY? And if so, get off your lazy ass and do something about it for once! Instead of waiting for your partner to do EVERYTHING for you. I mean, S. E., 59, is literally a Taiwanese sex worker. After years of financial support from her canadian husband, LARGE SETTLEMENTS FROM THE DIVORCE, and 20 years of child support and alimony, and she still can't afford her rent. I mean, DIVORCE is what you get when you sleep around with so many men all the time. I have never met a chinese woman who wasn't insecure and who wasn't milking multiple men for money 👀 CORONAVIRUS. AMY TAN, holy shit. STOP CELEBRATING HER ALREADY. The book "TIGER MOM" is a detailed and anecdotal account of systematic child abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, and endangerment. I guess it's about time one of her children press charges, OH WAIT, THEY ARE DOING THAT. Because you know what's more abusive than a tiger mom?, a tiger mom who makes money off of their children's suffering, psychological torment, and emotional turmoil. HAVE THEY EVER FELT LOVE? WHAT THE FUCK! Not also are they irresponsible, my own community's DCFS, and Child Protective Services are overwhelmed with the amount of Chinese FOSTER CHILDREN, and chinese AT-RISK youths. My community has seen about 300 abandoned, neglected, or severely abused chinese children, every month, and they are even worse than the condition of Gabriel Fernandez. In the Los Angeles Counties alone, you can just tell how defeated, and heart broken EVERY SOCIAL WORKER in my community is feeling. THEY CANT HELP THESE CHINESE KIDS WHO HAVE BEEN BEATEN SO BADLY, THEY HAVE PERMANENT BRAIN DAMAGE, SEVERE MENTAL and LEARNING DISABILITIES, and have little to no hope of recovering from their domestic violence and child abuse injuries. Even social workers can't stop you from using excessive discipline on your chinese child. INSIDIOUS PUNISHMENTS AND SYSTEMATIC TORTURE THAT GO ON FOR YEARS, subverting and undermining local law enforcements, child protective agencies, and the INSTITUTIONS THAT ARE PUT IN PLACE TO SAVE THEM, and your TRADITIONAL CHINESE PARENTING OF BEING A TIGER MOM CAUSES BRAIN DAMAGE TO YOUR DAUGHTER, DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND? An anecdotal example was when a daughter named "Sammy" came to her mother, "Suei" for help regarding the years of molestation that took place with Suei's boyfriend, and GUESS WHAT THE MOM DID? Nothing. Suei LOVES the molestor, she's been raped herself multiple times, and THAT doesn't seem to bother her. Why not just come right out and say it? SUEI, YOU. LET. YOUR. CHILD. BE. MOLESTED. AND. RAPED. FOR. YEARS. Whoever boyfriend you're with at the time, you just allow him to touch your daughter, RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. If that's not harrowing and bone chilling, I don't know what is... I'm done. I'm done seeing cases like this, IM FUCKING DONE. And the chinese doctors in UCLA are literally swamped with mal-practice lawsuits. That's what you get when you buy your way into becoming a surgeon. I would rather have a surgeon with MERIT operate on me, than some surgeon who's parents paid everyone and every institution for them to get a career like that, and we ultimately end up with incompetent doctors that have killed more lives here in California than they've saved. "In College Admissions Scandal, Family Paid $6. 5 Million to Get Their Daughter Into Stanford" Oppurtunities that should have gone to students who have TRUE RESILIENCE AND MERIT are overlooked and relagated to community colleges or an even social and economic disparities that could have been prevented if the FUCKING CHINESE WOULD JUST STOP BUYING COLLEGE ADMISSION AND COLLEGE ACCEPTANCE. WHY WOULD YOU FUCKING DO THAT? Don't you want your child to actually educate themselves and EARN their accomplishments themselves?! What MORE stupidity is this? And why hide your chinese heritage as a sex worker? Why hide your identity? Be proud of your heritage! All I can see now is chinese girls selling chinese culture for a dollar. BUT THERE'S A CATCH, YOU CANT EVEN GET A CHINESE PROSTITUTE, EVEN WHEN THEY'RE CHINESE. You know what I would compare the prostitutes to? PANDA EXPRESS, YOU CANT EVEN GET CHINESE FOOD AT PANDA EXPRESS. You can't even get a chinese prostitute with a chinese woman. They're polynesians now, that's what they're claiming. Where's the dignity? Here's a heartbreaking article of a chinese prostitute jumping out of the window to her death. "Prostitute dies trying to evade cops by jumping out of window". The world is INUNDATED with Chinese Sex Workers who won't even carry a condom in their purse, because they're less likely to be prosecuted if they're found with a condom on their person. "HIV, Sex Work, and Law Enforcement in China" And why would you pretend that you're Filipino? You're not a pacific Islander, you're not a polynesian, you're not a Kiwi. Why would you pretend that you're a New Zealander? All so you can throw your cultural heritiage and identity under the bus so you can sell sex for a dollar. WHERE IS YOUR GODDAMN dignity?! "Some are claiming to be Korean, Japanese, or simply ‘Asian’, as clients give Chinese people a wide berth While there is no official data, Chinese sex workers are understood to be the highest number of foreign nationals working unlawfully in New Zealand ". Don't support Chinese sex workers. They have one of the largest population of sex workers who are HIV positive. Other regular sex workers don't even want to associate with the orient because Chinese sex workers HAVE LITERALLY RUINED the sex trade for everyone. Everytime I think of a chinese sex worker, I remember all of the silly anecdotes of people complaining about how they got robbed, physically assaulted, and their home appliances GOING MISSING. LIKE A TOASTER? WHY WOULD YOU STEAL A TOASTER? The majority of Chinese women are KLEPTOMANIACS. They have this old world mentality of wanting to STEAL COMPULSIVELY Here's a google link on and quick update for HIV and AIDS in China: Chinese women are mostly subservient, they don't have a formal education, and frankly, they're bird brains. There is No substance in their conversations AT ALL. All they do is lie, gossip, judge people, be negative, complain, make up excuses, excuse themselves as the victim, & are generally not open minded in seeking help for their mental health. They don't even have the capacity to have other perspectives other than their own. It's like an entire race of women are allergic to positivity, mental health & well being. They're plentiful, readily available, and chinese pussy is basically akin to grub hub or post mates. 4 billion selections to choose from, mostly angry, always upset, chronically helpless, unemployed, lack emotional intelligence, and will stay on your health care plan long after you die. Pssst... to all the asian girls I've ever dated, EVER HEARD OF WASHING YOUR VAGINA OR SUMMER'S EVE? It's disgusting when your pussy smells and taste like leftover chinese food. GOODLUCK EVER GETTING A CHINESE WOMAN TO SEE A GYNECOLOGIST. They would rather cure their STDs with chinese home remedies, and that by the way, still leaves you with STDs and garlic in your chinese vagina. I also have never met any other race WHO'S SO DISLOYAL. AT LEAST WASH YOUR CHINESE VAGINA BETWEEN SEXUAL ENCOUNTERS. 1 is a statistic, but 5? EVER HEARD OF HYGIENE? How many DNA strains can I find in that pussy? It's like a Jackson Pollock painting of other people's sperm and body fluids inside that Chinese Vagina. It's no surprise & it's no wonder that SARS, MERS, H1N1, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, & the novel Coronavirus happened. Seriously, a chinese vagina is a weapon of mass destruction, that's how disgusting they are. At least try sustainable clothes, food, housing and a responsible lifestyle. Ya'll are wealthy, you can afford these lifestyle changes and you don't even TRY. STOP EATING WILDLIFE MEAT JESUS CHRIST. One date resulted in me throwing up because they insisted on eating SHARK. WHEN SOMEONE DOESN'T LIKE ROTTEN FOOD, DON'T FORCE THEM TO EAT IT AND DON'T MAKE THEM FEEL BAD FOR NOT EATING IT! Are most Chinese dates consist of a Chinese Woman putting anything that moves in their mouth and eating them? Are your zoos and sanctuaries safe from consumption? Do we have to worry about YOU GUYS EATING PANDAS NOW? (Someone link me to the ridiculous articles). China is the largest consumer of wildlife meat and according to Greenpeace, you guys have the largest output on environmental pollution, and the largest industry for illegal fishing. CHINA'S IMPACT ON OUR YOU PROUD? You guys have no fundamental freedoms, you don't even have freedom of the press and seriously, WAR CRIMES AND HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS AND AUTROCITIES AGAINST TIBET? WTF, THEIR WHOLE RELIGION IS LITERALLY ABOUT PEACE, SYMBOLIC LOGIC, AND HUMANITARIAN SERVICE, AND YOURE DECIMATING THEM. I had one Chinese woman claim that she was smarter than the Dalai Llama... (I'm looking at you REDDIT girl and you know who you are). Ever heard of HUMILITY? EVER TRIED BEING HUMBLE FOR LIKE 2 SECONDS? It's like Beijing doesn't even care about you guys. OH WAIT, THEY DON'T. I urge the women in China to actually f*cking do something instead of crying over your soap operas and blaming others for why your life is a failure. And why does your husband or your partner have to do all the paperwork? Like, WHY ARE YOU SO CHRONICALLY AFRAID TO DO ANYTHING? Ever heard of Growing Up? And ADULTING? Seriously, I'm here to call you all out because that's all I ever see on social media, some asian girl who cries hysterically, leave erratic comments and have no time at all for self improvement or self-reflection. Stop asking us for green cards and visas. We won't marry your helpless ass. heard of it? People care about what's on the inside, NOT JUST YELLOW FEVER. At least your western counterparts try. Corals ARE NOT A CURE FOR YOUR MIGRAINES. Healing crystals have some placebo effect but seriously, mad respect with alternative medicine, just dont complain to me when your child dies and you wonder why your healing crystals and reiki doesnt work over antibiotics. RHINO, TIGER, AND BUSH MEAT WON'T CURE YOUR CANCER. STOP USING WEIRD, STINKY AND UNSANITARY LUBES MADE OUT OF ANIMAL PARTS. EVER HEARD OF SATISFYING YOUR PARTNER FOR ONCE? STOP SCREECHING DURING SEX LIKE A PTERODACTYL. Goodluck finding a chinese woman who has sexual maturity and self-actualized. & stop lying about your accomplishments. YOU ARE NOT AN AEROSPACE ENGINEER AND WHEN YOU DO GET CAUGHT DON'T LIE EVEN FURTHER ABOUT IT (I'm looking at you Li, 34. 👀). Stay safe and try not to be angry like me because I know not everyone is a horrible pathological liar who likes Shark Fin Soup. I URGE YOU TO GOOGLE #ChineseGutterOil. JUST IMAGINE WHAT IT WOULD BE LIKE FOR A SUSTAINABLE COUNTRY TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TRADE INSTEAD OF CHINA. WHAT WOULD THE WORLD BE LIKE WITHOUT CHINESE PEOPLE AND CHINA? Your ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ON THE WORLD OVERSHADOWS YOUR HISTORICAL CONTRIBUTIONS. Less death, less environmental pollution, less consumerism, less pandemics, less suppression of FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS, less autrocities, and less BIRD BRAIN WOMEN. THE CHINESE ARE A DISGRACE TO THE WORLD. MY STRUGGLE With Racism, Sexism, and Fear Mongering Towards White People & White Culture every tiny asian 60 year old who's healthy? Ever seen the japanese, Cambodian, thai, etc. women who are better looking and healthier than this twat? Have you seen our ASIAN MODELS? Wake up people, the world is more diverse than what you see on whitepeople reddit. Epigenetics and biodiversity, ever heard of it? No wonder your ex-boyfriend replaced you with a stunning and gorgeous asian doctor, who has a PhD in astrophysics, who builds rockets and rovers for a living, and who has an actual shot at becoming a Millenium, or MacArthur Fellow, and the f*cking Nobel Prize in Physics, and she has a baseline of creativity, conservation, contentment, happiness and peace. No one wants to be with someone who can barely afford their white-trash rent, and who's always hysterical, erratic, hectic, basic and emotionally explosive. You guys have, historically, more privilege, freedoms, and opportunities than the rest of the world and all you guys can manage is THIS? And holy shit, what is up with this sociopathic coldness within white culture? Permit Patty? Corner store Caroline? Barbecuing While Black Is A Death Sentence. AND MORE. Complete and utter disregard for the well being of others. you asked how your partner is doing today? Or what they're thinking? Compassion, ever heard of it? Socialism, ever heard of it? If you want to compare, let's compare. We've got smoking hot asian scientists up for nobel prizes. You know that GOOGLE exists right? You know that emotional intelligence and self-awareness exists right? What exactly have you done to leave this place better before you wrecked it with your consumerism, capitalism, and pumpkin spice everything? Do you need links and articles, so I can add insult to injury? should I rub in the rate of upward mobility within asian families? Harvard has literally curtailed and put limits on their acceptance rates for asian applicants. FACT. We've got an asian nobel laureate that tried to cure malaria. Weve got an asian nobel laureate that has definitive works on stem cell. Most discoveries in many fields, including nobel prize recipients, has some Asian puttering around and doing the actual fucking work. The WORLD is bigger than your tiny imperial reality. Don't MUSK IS SOUTH AFRICAN (he said so himself by correcting Trump about Americans doing American Ingenuity and shit) This is why America needs free college more than ever, we're tired of swiping left. We're tired of having to pull teeth whenever we talk to you, it's like there's no substance or coherent thoughts up there. If you want to ask me what America has done in the last couple of decades, they won at obesity and heart disease, and making every other country and their citizens feel SUPERIOR. You know what, fuck your white culture, fuck your greed, fuck your DESENSITIZATION, fuck your apathy, fuck your bird brain women, and fuck your mediocrity. I heard EVOLUTION and Science are not being taught in your southern schools. Seriously? No wonder every white girl I've ever talked to who's from there has no basic knowledge of science, let alone classical mechanics. You know that things go up and down due to gravity, right? You know that the sky is blue right? You know that you can reconcile Paul Dirac's Equation In Fourth Dimensional Gravity, In Curved Space Time Dilation, right? Science is now not required????????? Fuck your Religious Supremacy. Ya'll are CREATIONISTS NOW? RIDICULOUS. White people have literally caused the death of Aaron Swartz. The founder of this goddamn reddit platform. And what the f*ck is going on with your school shootings and bombings? And what about human trafficking in the South and operation SaboTor in Texas? Have you ever heard of a polynesian doing that? We don't goddamn sell and use people like they're cattle. If you haven't understood by now, compassion and kindness is ALWAYS possible. Jesus Christ, the abject degradation of humanity is overwhelming within this WHITE & ENTITLED CULTURE. Are you DONE with rape tourism yet? Or is that still ongoing within your people? If anyone deserves racism and hate, that would definitely be you guys. DONT TOUCH OUR BIODIVERSE FORESTS, DONT TOUCH OUR WILDLIFE, DONT TOUCH OUR WOMEN. DO NOT TOUCH OUR CHILDREN. "Tourists rape of children" Why don't we just outright say it, WHITE TOURISTS RAPE CHILDREN. WHITE TOURISTS. FOR FUCK'S SAKE UNICEF, stop being candid and outright SAY IT. You guys sound like you're some Oracle bestowing their wisdom upon the world, but all I can see is treadmills and crap. You've made your HISTORICAL bed, now sleep in it. MY STRUGGLE With Racism, Sexism, and Fear Mongering Towards Blacks & Black Culture STOP PUTTING YOUR BBC DICK IN MY POLYNESIAN PUSSY. Let me just tell you that pacific islander pussies have the opening hole size of a QUARTER. Ya'll gave me so much pleasure AND vaginal tearing:( And Kendrick Lamar is fine..... rolls eyes MORE COMPOSITION TO BE HAD. JUST WAIT. WHAT HAVE WE FUCKING LEARNED? Hate equally. Be a misanthrope instead. If you want to hate, GO ALL THE FUCKING WAY YOU PUSSY. DONT BE RACIST.
Greed mode. Greed vs grievance theory.
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